After the new privacy friendly options in Android, you need to manually give authorizations for Contacts/Accounts from Android Application settings to Contacts2Xls. Very Important: the xls file will be located in your internal Android > data > com.giulio.contentprovider > files folder.This is a simple app to import and export the contact numbers from and to excel xls.The xls file is called MyExportedContacts and will be saved under the folder Contacts2Xls. Columns are name, telephone and the fields related the google account, so that you can keep your Contacts in sync... The app is supposedly intended for technical purposes.Notice that when you import the contacts from xls, pre-existing entries - with same key - will be overwritten. You may lose data, in case of wrong usage. Developer will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever caused by this application.This is an open source project.